Zarathushtrian Association

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Prayer Class Activities - 2009

Date 31st January 2009
Event First Day of the Prayer Class
Venue Te-Tuhi The Mark
Description The first day of the class was well attended by 27 children. They all looked forward to yet another exciting year of activities and learning of our wonderful religion at the class. The prayer class committee strives hard to achieve it all for them and make the class a fun place to attend every fortnight.

Date 14th March 2009
Event Navroze Quiz
Venue Te-Tuhi The Mark
Come Navroze and the prayer class always does something unique for its children.

In the previous years we have had the Navroze table displayed by the children. This year we had a quiz.

Children were divided into seven teams and questions regarding Navroze were put forward to them. It ran into two turns.

Prizes were given to the two winning teams.

Date 2nd May 2009
Event Sadro Making Competition
Venue Te-Tuhi The Mark
Description 23 children present at the class were given white chart paper and parts of the sadro to put them together in one hour.

All hands at work and creative minds came out with the best sadras. Judged for their accuracy and neatness, prizes were given to the following children :

  • Delnaz Patrawalla & Tanya Patel
  • Tanya Mehta & Sheroy Gonda
  • Sanaya Damania

Date 20th June 2009
Event Last Day of the Prayer Class from the existing committee
Venue Te-Tuhi The Mark
The current ZANZ Committee who ran the prayer class efficiently for the last five plus years finished their term and therefore 20th June was celebrated as the last day for them.

Parents and children await to hear the dates and venue from the new committee which comes into force on June 27th after the AGM.

The present committee resigned after running the class for five plus years successfully. Hope and pray that the classes start soon and the children are all put into action by the new members on board.

The present committee comprising of Hormaz Patel, Freny Khambatta, Mana Vajifdar and Shernaz Petigara thank the parents and children for their support in making these classes a success every fortnight.


Date 15th August 2009
Event "A  brief history of the early Parsi settlers in India" talk by Godrej Engineer
Venue Te-Tuhi Centre for the Arts - Auditorium
ZANZ hosted an interesting and thought provoking talk entitled "A brief history of the early Parsi settlers in India" by our member Mr. Godrej Engineer. Godrej illustrated his talk with interesting maps, flowcharts, and some unique photographs. He narrated some perhaps hitherto unknown anecdotes of bravery, heroism and Parsi magnanimity. Godrej enlightened us about some erudite scholars, soldiers, engineers and saintly personalities who made a tremendous impact and contribution towards the Parsi settlers in India.

The talk was attended by over 50 people with several requests for more such informative events.


Date 12th December 2009
Event Annual Prayer Class Children's Event 2009
Venue Xtreme Extertainment, Panmure
Description The children from the prayer class had been eagerly awaiting this event to celebrate the great work they have been doing at prayer classes since July. When asked what they wanted to do, a majority chose to go bowling.  So, on 12th December 2009, 34 children descended on Xtreme Entertainment for a wonderful time. This event was organized by the Prayer class team to encourage young Zoroastrians who have regularly attended our prayer classes each fortnight.

The kids started with a game of bowling showing off their skills and also learning valuable lessons from their parents. Then they had their meals and drinks. After that it was time to unleash their potential at the arcade machines. Many were riding bikes or playing basketball. The amazing games at Xtreme made the kids (and some parents) go gaga.
The two hour event extended to over three hours and by that time the kids had tried their hands on every machine that was available to them.

Prizes were given for perfect attendance (10 out of 10) to Zenia Irani, Delnaz Patrawala and Kayomi Patrawala. Perfect attendance was also achieved by Mark, Liana and Karina Anklesaria who were unable to attend the event.

Some parents had generously donated time, effort and money for the prayer class stall at the ZANZ Housie and Food night held on 17
th October.  The money collected from the sale of falooda and bhel puri was used to subsidize the bowling event.  We thank all the parents who made donations of money, ingredients and time.  Who says Zoroastrianism is dying and the community will dwindle to a few thousand (especially outside India) when we have such magnanimous support from our community members.

This year’s prayer classes have been an extremely rewarding experience for the Prayer Class Team. The ZANZ Management Committee would like to thank Hormuzd Patel, Tehmus Mistry and Mana Vazifdar for their selfless and dedicated service to our children. The ZANZ prayer classes assist in laying the foundation for the future of our community in New Zealand by giving our children the opportunity to interact and grow together. The onus lies on the parents to bring them to the classes every fortnight.

We look forward to seeing many more children at prayer classes next year. 

The first one for 2010 is on Saturday, 13
th February.


ZANZ Management Committee

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