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Prayer Class Activities - 2007

Date 2007
Venue Te-Tuhi The Mark
Topics Covered 1. Power of prayers
2. Din No Kalmo
3. Booklet on Zarathushtra {Pre-Navjote}
4. Sarosh Baj [With meanings]
5. Ahmai raeshcha, Hazangheream [With meanings]
6. 33 Angels of Ahura Mazda
7. Naman - compilation of songs in praise of Ahura Mazda
8. Song - Ashem Vohu teaches us and Jasme Avanghe Mazda
9. Youth Anthem
10. Let there be light
11. Say your prayers daily

Date 18th March 2007
Event Navroze Table Competition
Venue Te-Tuhi The Mark
The children were divided into four groups – Red, Blue, Green and Yellow. The Navroze table and information was given to them prior to the day.

The Haft Sheen tables were all decorated with all the festive ingredients.
When the judges went around the tables, the children at the table came out and did the traditional Navroze Mubarak of showing the mirror, pouring rose water in their hands and asking them to smile. Some of the tables explained each and every ingredient to the judges and this left them astounded.

'The Yellow table' was judged as the 'Winner of the Day' and the children were Aafreen Mehta, Dinyar Irani, Rohaan Mistry, Rayan Daruwalla, Reana Kaikobadi, Sanaya Hansotia and Zeeniyar Mehta.

Date May 2007
Event Presentation on Story of Zarathushtra
Venue Te-Tuhi The Mark
Children in the age groups of seven to 12 were encouraged to make charts and present the story of Zarathushtra in pairs. The study material was provided to them by the class representatives.

A total of six groups presented their charts and the judges were baffled at the creativity, content of the charts, public speaking skills etc. Amazing was the word.

A tough decision as always and the winners were –

1. Delnaz Patrawala and Natasha Thanawalla
2. Farshid Daruwalla and Navzad Chhor

A special Kuddos to Sheriyar Mehta who just read out the script without any paper or cue cards in his hand.

Date 24th November 2007
Event Annual Prayer Class Day
Venue Te-Tuhi The Mark
The last day of the year before we break for Christmas and New Year Holidays is all what children look forward to after a long year at school and prayer classes every fortnight.

A lot of parents and children gathered together on this day at Te-Tuhi The Mark, 13 Reeves Road Pakuranga.

The evening's program had the following –

1. Viewing of what our children had done all throughout the year
2. 'The Good Religion' – Song by our Pre Navjote Group
3. 'Paak Parvardegar' – Song by our Post Navjote Group
4. Presentation of 'Story on Zarathushtra' by our Winning Teams
5. Power Point Quiz on all what the children had learnt through out the year

Followed by prize giving and refreshments.

Viraaf Mehta was given the Special Attendance Prize for attending all 20 turns of the Prayer Class that year. The other prize winners were Aafreen Mehta, Dinyar Irani, Shirin Irani, Mark Anklesaria, Liana Anklesaria and Jasmine Chhor.

Of the Pre Navjote Group, we had Freyana & Raeyana Kaikobadi for saying all their prayers diligently at every class, Uxshan Daruwalla and Daerazad Cooverji for their active participation at every class.

A special thanks to our Priest, Hormaz Patel who comes every fortnight to teach the prayers to our children with a smile on his face no matter sunshine or rain.

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